Music picnic Trier-Süd

KLA Musik Picknick

Free admission!

Sunday, 1 September - 12 noon
Free admission!

"Revitalise squares, experience music"

In co-operation with the Trier-South Local Advisory Council the Kulturkarawane is organising a Music picnic on the Hubert-Neuerburg-Platz in the immediate vicinity of the intersection of Saarstraße and Hawstraße. Visitors can expect a relaxed picnic atmosphere on site with deckchairs and picnic blankets. The energy self-sufficient pop-up culture mobile Klein Anders will be presenting live music by "Kat Kit" and "Vianne" between 12:00 and 14:00. The Admission is freeThe event also invites you to linger after the concerts.

Within a multicultural neighbourhood, we want to create a low-threshold framework for intercultural encounters. Residents of the neighbourhood can interact with each other at a shared picnic with food and drinks they have brought themselves. In line with our goal of bringing colourful culture to life, we are using an existing location on Hubert-Neuerburg-Platz as a space for encounters and interaction. In order to be able to live and shape community in diversity and interculturality in a colourful neighbourhood.


From energetic, rough lines to fragile, breathy tones: Kat Kit breaks with the apparent contradiction of gentleness and strength. With her eyes closed, she draws cinematic landscapes of an introverted spirit on the piano. In her productions, she combines jazzy harmonies and unusual song structures with catchy pop beats. "She is so independent. That's what you call unique. It's what you're looking for. She said: This music is for introverts. But she has turned that into such a strength. I've never experienced that before. Nobody was as strong as she was, because she showed herself so much and gave us her voice. For me, she was music come to life," says Angela Peltner. Kat Kit was named Newcomer of the Year at the local heroes national competition in 2023 and was also recently featured on Deutschlandfunk Kultur. 


Vianne is an 18-year-old singer-songwriter from the indie folk scene. Her guitar is never missing on stage, but at home she also plays bass, drums and piano for her songs. Vianne wrote her first song at the age of 11 and has continued to do so ever since.

Last year, she won the One World Song Contest with her song "Open up your eyes" and was therefore given the opportunity to record the song in a recording studio in Berlin. The song was recently released.

Vianne usually records her songs alone at home in a converted storeroom and releases them on all streaming platforms under "Vianne!"

Further KuKa dates:



Support: Michelle Leya
Sunday 30 March - 19:30
Admission: 19:00 - Small hall TUFA

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