Local concerts - Affinity Kit

Affinity Kit Pressebild

Free admission!

Klein Anders
20 // 21 August - 18:00 // 16:00
Trier-Pfalzel // Trier-Filsch
Free admission!

Together with the Trier-Pfalzel and Trier-Filsch local councils

Somewhere between necessary optimism and hopeful melancholy, Affinity Kit picks its way through a musical landscape that finds its roots in singer/songwriterdom, but doesn't shy away from modern and electronic accents either.

The high bandwidth and attention to detail give the songs their own stamp, whose pop affinity Affinity Kit neither has to nor wants to deny.

Concert Trier-Pfalzel
Date: Sat, 20 August
Admission: 17:30 // Start 18:00
Location: Residenzstraße 27 - In the courtyard next to the fire station

Concert Trier-Filsch
Date: Sun, 21 August
Admission: 15:00 // Start 16:00
Location: An der Wolfskaul - Meadow near Edith-Stein-Str.

Further KuKa dates:



Support: Michelle Leya
Sunday 30 March - 19:30
Admission: 19:00 - Small hall TUFA

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