Self-help festival

Selbsthilfe Festival

Free admission!

Saturday, 1 July - 11 am
Trier cattle market

The line-up has been finalised: Information stands on the subject of self-help and health, hands-on activities and lots of music. The self-help contact centre and Kulturkarawane Trier invite you. 

Premiere in Trier: For the first time, a large self-help festival will take place at the Trier cattle market on 1 July. The Trier Self-Help Contact and Information Centre (SEKIS for short) has put together an exciting programme in cooperation with Kulturkarawane. 

What you can expect: 38 self-help programmes on a wide range of topics, from anxiety disorders to Long Covid and Parkinson's, will be presenting themselves. There will be various hands-on activities such as a health check or you can get advice at the information stands and on the self-help bus. 

Maike Gerten (12 to 1 pm), Paul Weber (1.30 to 2.30 pm) and June Road (3.30 to 4.30 pm) will be making music. Maike Gerten comes from Trier and her German-language lyrics tell stories in which you can both lose and find yourself (. Paul Weber is a singer and songwriter, a newcomer and insider tip from Cologne. Headlining the festival is the indie folk duo June Road, joined by British folk artist Harry Pane and Belgian violinist Maia Frankowski.  

The festival will be officially opened at 11 a.m. by Rhineland-Palatinate Minister President Malu Dreyer, the Lord Mayor of Trier Wolfram Leibe, the District Administrator of the Trier-Saarburg district Stefan Metzdorf and IKK board member Jörg Loth.

"We are delighted to have Kulturkarawane at our side"says Andreas Schleimer, CEO of SEKIS Trier.

"Jochen Leuf and his team have found great artists who suit us and self-help". The music will create a positive atmosphere at the cattle market. Schleimer says that the work of self-help groups is often underestimated. With the festival, SEKIS wants to show that self-help is something very positive. After all, sharing experiences leads to great relief and relief for members of self-help groups. The basic principles are voluntariness, easy access and confidentiality. During the festival, interested parties can find out about the possibilities of self-help from those involved in self-help, those affected and their relatives as well as professionals in an informal and voluntary way. 

Admission is free.

The following self-help groups are taking part in the festival:

Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe, Lebensqualität für Asperger, ARVC Selbsthilfe, Kreuzbund Diözesanverband Trier, Deutsche ILCO - Regionalgruppe Trier-Saarburg, SHG Hören Trier, Out Of The Dark - Selbsthilfegruppe für schwule Männer mit Depressionen, Amputierten-Selbsthilfegruppe Wittlich, SHG Hochsensibilität Eifel, Väter und Mütter gemeinsam, getrennt von den Kindern, PinkPaddler, Netzwerk Frauenselbsthilfe Onliner, PRO RETINA Regionalgruppe Trier, Selbsthilfe SeelenWorte, SHG Long Covid Eifel/Ulmen and Kastellaun, Kopf-Hals-Mund-Krebs Regionalgruppe Trier-Saarburg, Bezirksverein der Kehlkopfoperierten Trier, SHG Parkinson - Regionalgruppe Ruwertal und Wittlich/Bernkastel Kues, PingPongParkinson Trier/Kernscheid, SAAT - Epilepsy, Alcoholics Anonymous Trier, SHG Adipositas Bernkastel-Kues and Wittlich, Dementia Centre, SHG Trierer Lipödem-Kämpferinnen, SHG Chronic Pain, JUVEMUS e. V., SHG Psychische Belastungen Erwerbsloser, Balsam für die Seele - SHG Depression und Angst Daun, SHG Wortsalat, spielfrei24.

The self-help festival is sponsored by IKK Südwest. Further information and the programme at

Further KuKa dates:



Support: Michelle Leya
Sunday 30 March - 19:30
Admission: 19:00 - Small hall TUFA

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