Johann Nepomuk Nestroy
Austrian dramatist, actor and playwright (1801 - 1862)
Linda Leuf

Welcome to the page of our Kulturschwärmer Community.

We look forward to getting to know you. Would you like to support our cultural work and become part of our Kulturschwärmer community?

Then you've come to the right place. Thank you for your willingness. You can find out what it means to be a culture vulture and how you can become one on this page.

If you have any questions, simply get in touch with our personal contact person Linda Leuf:

How you can support the cultural caravan:

Your donation helps us to give artists and employees security and perspective, to make culture possible for all people and to organise events in a consistently sustainable way. A small monthly donation helps us more than a large one-off donation as we are primarily concerned with covering our costs in the long term.

Your helping hands help us with our events, do handicrafts, sell drinks and make the world a more beautiful place.

Your visions and ideas at our regular Kulturschwärmer meetings let us fly into a shared cultural future.

Your company would like to support regional cultural work and is looking for a suitable sponsoring partner? We offer attractive advertising partnerships with customised services. Together we can achieve a lot! 

Kulturschwärmer Community

How you can become part of our culture vultures community:

With your donation, you simply and automatically become part of our Kulturschwärmer community. It is a permanent donation that you pay to us monthly or once a year. Please note the following donation form on this page.
Thank you very much for your support!

With your donation you help us to make culture WITH everyone possible. To guarantee low-threshold, accessible cultural events in the region, fair pay for artists and long-term working conditions in our cultural work. Furthermore, to realise democratic thinking and acting with the common language of music.

"As a non-profit cultural organisation in Trier, we want to shape the future of art, culture and entertainment with you. That's why we launched the Kulturschwärmer Community. We look forward to getting to know you!"
Jochen Leuf
Jochen Leuf
Managing Director of Kulturkarawane gemeinnützige UG

Your benefits as a culture vulture

With your support, you are making a valuable contribution to the Preserving and expanding cultural diversity in the region.

You enables many people to take part in cultural and artistic eventswho cannot afford it and thus contribute to cultural education.

With your help, artists can continue to Free and independent and are paid fairly.

You give our employees the opportunity to, Long-term and fairly paid in cultural work to be busy. 


With low-barrier events we are doing our part to put inclusion centre stage.

With your donation you will receive your Culture vultures welcome packto show your support to other people as well. 

We regularly organise the following as part of our event Community meetingwhere you can exchange ideas with like-minded people.

We will inform you regularly about the Insights into our cultural work and give you the opportunity to express your opinion. 

Donate now and become a culture vulture!

FundraisingBox Logo

Cultivated hawkmoth FAQ

This is a permanent donation of 12.50 euros per month, which is paid either monthly or once a year (= 150 euros).

Simply fill in the donation form on this page, select your preferred date for the direct debit and your preferred payment method. After successfully submitting the form, you will receive a message by email.

Once your donation has been confirmed, it always runs for 1 year from the date of completion and is automatically renewed for the following year. Please send a written cancellation of your permanent donation up to 30 days before the end of your donation year to spenden@kultur-karawane.de.

Our culture vultures and what moves them


Donate now!