Welcome to the page of our Kulturschwärmer Community.
We look forward to getting to know you. Would you like to support our cultural work? And maybe even become part of our Kulturschwärmer community? Then simply get in touch with our personal contact person Linda Leuf under:
Your donation helps us to give artists and employees security and perspective, to make culture possible for all people and to organise events in a consistently sustainable way. A small monthly donation helps us more than a large one-off donation as we are primarily concerned with covering our costs in the long term.
Your helping hands help us with our events, do handicrafts, sell drinks and make the world a more beautiful place.
Your visions and ideas at our regular Kulturschwärmer meetings let us fly into a shared cultural future.
Your company would like to support regional cultural work and is looking for a suitable sponsoring partner? We offer attractive advertising partnerships with customised services. Together we can achieve a lot!
With your support, you can easily become part of our Kulturschwärmer community. Only if you want to, of course!
Simply send us a message to let us know that you would like to be informed about our future activities. Then we will invite you to our monthly creative meetings as well as exclusive private living room concerts and other great Kulturkarawane events.
You are Part of a community of solidarity, that wants nothing less than to make the world a better place for everyone.
Through your support, you are making a major contribution to the Preserving and expanding cultural diversity in the Greater Region.
You enable other people to take part in cultural and artistic eventswho would not normally be able to afford it, thus contributing to cultural education.
Your ideas and visions enrich the imagination of us all and motivate us to organise further events and campaigns.
With your help, artists will also be able to Free and independent act.
Kulturkarawane non-profit organisation UG (limited liability)
Hommerstrasse 28
54290 Trier
Tel. +49 (0) 651 – 99 98 09 79 01