
Kulturkarawane is actively involved in networking and is always on the lookout for suitable collaborations that strengthen regional and supra-regional cultural work. Our aim is to identify cultural professionals, bring them together and create valuable synergies - for a lively, networked and sustainable cultural landscape. Even beyond national borders. In the following, we will show you networks in which we are already involved and are grateful for ideas and exciting partners from the cultural sector. 

Our network projects



 Supported by the Initiative Musik and the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs and together with Pop RLP, Kulturkarawane Trier aims to establish a network between alternative cultural organisers along the Moselle.

KulturkarawanePaulusplatz2024-31 (1) (1)

Kulturkarawane Trier and KultKom Eupen run a network together with the funding organisation Interreg to promote mobile cultural events in the border region, strengthen exchange and break down barriers. The aim is to reduce obstacles such as language barriers and organisational costs and to promote international exchange between cultural players.

Other networks

Kulturkarawane is a member of the following networks and is actively committed to the objectives of the respective alliances. 

LAG Soziokultur

LAG Socioculture

The State Working Group for Socioculture & Cultural Education and its members stand up for diversity and tolerance and against the marginalisation of people in their daily work. The network supports socio-cultural and cultural education institutions in large and medium-sized centres in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Kupoge Logo

KuPoGe is committed to a publicly accountable, democratic cultural policy that is actively shaped at all political levels and ensures cultural diversity and artistic freedom. It also enables as many people as possible to access and participate in art and culture.

pop rlp

pop rlp is the umbrella brand for the promotion of popular music culture in Rhineland-Palatinate. Its focus is on supporting young music creators, networking all players in the industry and needs-orientated further education and training. The aim is to promote popular music in all its stylistic breadth.

culture 4 climate


The nationwide initiative works with the cultural sector to achieve the global climate and sustainability goals. The aim is to reduce climate-damaging emissions in all cultural sectors and to promote a cultural change towards a culture of sustainability through cultural practice.

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