Bitburg Self-Help Festival

SEKIS Selbsthilfe-Festival
Saturday, 22 June - 11 am - 3 pm
Am Spittel, Bitburg

Premiere in Bitburg: For the first time, a large-scale Self-help festival will take place. The self-help contact point (SEKIS) and Kulturkarawane have put together an exciting programme. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., visitors can look forward to a varied programme on the Spittel square: 20 regional self-help services on various topics, from obesity to dementia and cancer to Parkinson's, will be presenting themselves. Visitors can get advice or take part in hands-on activities at information stands and in the self-help bus.

EASY! - Isabell Krohn and Affinity Kit make music. Isabell Krohn brings soft pop and good humour to the stage with her acoustic guitar. As a singer/songwriter, Affinity Kit brings a sound between necessary optimism and hopeful melancholy.

The festival will be officially opened at 11 a.m. by city mayor Joachim Kandels and SEKIS board member Andreas Schleimer.

Andreas Schleimer, CEO of SEKIS Trier, reports: "After the success of the self-help festival in Trier last year, we are delighted that we are now able to bring it to the Eifel region. The local self-help groups wanted this format to come to Bitburg." Mayor Kandels immediately pledged his support to make this possible. Schleimer says that the work of self-help groups is often underestimated. With the festival, SEKIS wants to show that self-help is something very positive. Sharing experiences leads to great relief and relief for members of self-help groups. The basic principles are voluntariness, easy access and confidentiality. During the festival, interested parties can find out about the possibilities of self-help from those involved in self-help, those affected and their relatives as well as experts in an informal and voluntary way - or enjoy the music.

SEKIS Trier invites all interested parties to the festival. Admission is free.

The following self-help groups are taking part in the festival:

Self-help group (SHG) Adipositas Bitburg, Amputierten-SHG Wittlich, ARVC Selbsthilfe Rheinland-Pfalz - Arrhythmogene (rechtsventrikuläre) Cardiomyopathie, Lebensqualität für Asperger - LQFA e. V., Disability representative of the Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm with Tourist Information Bitburger Land, Dementia Network Eifelkreis, German Diabetes Aid Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Association, German ILCO - Regional Group Bitburg-Prüm, Cancer Society Rhineland-Palatinate e. V., Kreuzbund Bitburg-Prüm e. V., Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft - Kontaktkreis Bitburg, SHG Parkinson Neuerburg, Ping Pong Parkinson Neuerburg, Kontaktbüro PflegeSelbsthilfe, SHG "Die Gefährten" - Menschen mit psychischer Erkrankung Bitburg, Gemeinsam statt einsam - Begleiteter Gesprächskreis für Menschen mit einer psychischen Erkrankung Prüm, SHG Angehörige psychisch Erkrankter Bitburg, Deutsche Rheuma-Liga - öAG Bitburg, Landesverband spielfrei 24 e. V., SC Meeting - sober and clean, der Selbsthilfe-Bus.

The self-help festival is organised by the IKK Südwest sponsored.

Further KuKa dates:



Support: Michelle Leya
Sunday 30 March - 19:30
Admission: 19:00 - Small hall TUFA

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